american goldfinch

Wood Thrush Shop Notes

Recent Feeder Activity

With the recent wintery weather a lot more birds have decided to visit feeding stations.  This week my feeders were frequented by over 50 Goldfinch at a time, a dozen or so Pine Siskin, over 20 Juncos (overwhelmingly males), and lots of White-throated sparrow. A few Red-winged Blackbirds appeared as did a few Grackles, birds I rarely see in my yard.

In weather like this I always anticipate something more unusual to appear, like Orange-crowned warbler, Ruby or Golden-crowned Kinglets, and Brown creeper to name a few, typically at the suet feeders.  One customer reported a lone Indigo Bunting which is very unusual to be seen in January. 

And with the freezing rain being forecast, which will likely have already occurred by the time you read this, birds that don’t normally visit feeding stations may recognize the bird activity at feeders and come in for a look.  My birdbaths, which have de-icer units in them, were extremely busy during the frigid temps.  Birds, of course need water sources even when it’s below freezing and will bathe to keep feathers clean and at their best insulating quality for survival. 

Many of you are surprised to see multiple Bluebirds visiting feeding stations and water sources.  Bluebirds are, of course, here year round and will travel about in small flocks in search of food and water. 

Seed Stock is Low for this Saturday

Because our seed supplier is located in Des Moines, IA sometimes weather will hold up our seed shipments as is the case this week.  Freight is backed up all across the U.S.   You may want to call first before you visit The Wood Thrush Shop on Saturday and Monday as we are low, or out of some choices of seed.  We are very well stocked with suet and live mealworms.  We anticipate receiving our load of seed early next week as temps rise to the 40’s. 

Next Week…The Great Backyard Bird Count

Wood Thrush Notes

Store Schedule Alert

The Wood Thrush Shop will be closed Wednesday, July 26th.

Late Summer Bird Feeding Notes

Goldfinches are on nest now so if you are seeing more, or less at your feeders, that could be the reason. They of course begin nesting much later than other songbirds probably because they are exclusively seed eating birds. A lot of natural seed forage will be present about the time baby Goldfinches start leaving the nest helping them to sustain life for the first several months. Goldfinches can have 2 broods per year.

There are most definitely peaks and valleys to the bird feeding year and we have always recognized spring and the first half of summer as the busiest segment, even more than winter. Why? It is most certainly because during the spring-summer breeding season nesting birds take full advantage of our feeders. As they expend a lot of energy raising young they are able to feed themselves without the extra effort of having to search for food. But as the breeding season comes to an end and babies are now mostly on their own, feeders are not as important in their daily lives. Insects are the most plentiful food right now and this bounty will be present for the next several months to come. Without young to care for, naturally, our seed feeders will slow down from the torrid pace we’ve seen since April. Gradually, feeders become less important and when October arrives we will experience the slowest bird feeding month of the year. In October every plant and tree has produced nuts, seeds, and fruit. There is more food available at this time than they know what to do with. Well, actually, they do know what to do with it. They will feed mainly on what nature provides and many songbirds will begin caching food away in hiding places. Chickadees have been known to cache food in as many as 200 different locations and remember them. Insects are still available, too, which means our feeders become pretty uninteresting.

Anyone who thinks birds become dependent on feeders doesn’t really understand birds. While they take advantage of feeders during critical times of the year; breeding season, extreme weather, etc., they by no means become dependent and there really is no evidence to support that claim. If birds became dependent why do, for example, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks always leave us in the spring? We see them at our feeders for as much as a month, why do they not stay? Instinctually, they must go. They are, in a way, programmed to go to the breeding grounds they have gone to for thousands of years. Furthermore, because of all the natural food sources available in the fall Rose-breasted Grosbeaks rarely visit our feeders on their return to the tropics. Same thing with hummingbirds. They won’t stay here because we offer them sugar water. They do not become dependent.

Over the next few months as you buy seed you may want to buy smaller quantities knowing feeders will be slower, and avoid bug issues in the process. Storing seed for months in warm conditions can result in a buggy surprise in your seed container. The Indian meal moth is a common problem in all kinds of products, including dog and cat food. Storing smaller quantities of seed in a cool environment is the best way to avoid these troublesome insects. If you happen to notice some insect activity in your seed you can simply put it in the freezer overnight, or use the remainder of the seed immediately. The seed is not a danger to the birds and the little moths and their eggs are just another source of protein.

Wood Thrush Notes: All About Goldfinch

Why You May Not Have Success Attracting Goldfinches

Next to Bluebirds and Hummingbirds the American Goldfinch is perhaps the most discussed bird at The Wood Thrush Shop.  Goldfinches (GF’s) are a year round species here in TN.  Males, in their spring-summer breeding plumage, are bright yellow with a black forehead, black wings with white wingbars, and white patches above and below the tail.  Adult females are duller yellow beneath, olive above. In winter both males and females are a drab olive, with hints of yellow, and the ever present black wings with pale wingbars.

Non breeding male Goldfinch.

Breeding male and female Goldfinch.

Customers ask, “Where have the GF’s gone” or “why can I not attract GF’s” and “why are they not eating my nyjer-thistle”?

Understanding the Goldfinches habits is important. GF’s are exclusively seed eaters and they search for food as a flock. This fact is most important. It explains their preference for fields and meadows where there are lots of native seed producing plants, and why feeding stations with multiple seed feeders and choices of seed options tend to be more appealing and productive than a feeding station with one seed feeder and one finch feeder. Their desire to feed as a flock is the most important factor.

Because of their unique food requirements Goldfinches are on the move much of the time. During the non-breeding seasons, winter, spring and fall, there are great movements by these birds which may explain their inconsistent presence at feeders. Many of us tend to see more at the feeders in the winter when northern populations have come here to winter.

Goldfinches feed on a variety of seeds including sunflower, safflower, nyjer and millet. I believe sunflower is their preferred seed at feeders, whether in or out of the shell. I use the fine sunflower hearts in my finch feeders and always attract Goldfinches.

Nyjer for finch feeders is not a seed native to this country and is grown primarily in Africa, particularly Ethiopia and Kenya, as well as in India, Nepal, and Myanmar. This explains why Nyjer is a little pricier and perhaps why it may not be as appealing to Goldfinches as we once thought.

GF’s will go to any type of seed feeder including platforms. They will feed on the ground, too. During wintry weather I have spread sunflower and millet on my driveway and been treated to a flock of 50 or more Goldfinches.

Here are a few things to keep in mind to have more success with GF’s 

  • Keep your finch feeders topped off. Waiting for GF’s to finish what’s in the feeder will backfire because if what’s remaining in the feeder accommodates only two birds they will move on. Often customers will think there’s something wrong with the remaining seed but probably not. Shake the feeder to see if the seed is dry and loose. If it is just top it off. If it has gotten wet and is now clumped remove it and refill.

    • Employing other seed feeders is helpful in three ways. It provides more feeding opportunities and a variety of seed choices. As GF’s search for available seed sources they will notice other seed eating feeder birds and investigate what they are feeding on.

    • If you have multiple finch feeders keep them fairly close to one another promoting the “flock feeding” preference.

    • Keep your feeders clean and the seed in good condition. I can assure you GF’s have plenty of food choices in nature so your feeders need to be at their best to compete.

Understanding the habits of GF’s and following some of the suggested tips should help you attract this beautiful bird with more consistency.

Hummingbird Activity is Peaking

For the next 4 weeks we will be experiencing peak hummingbird activity at our feeders.  Now it is crucial that your nectar is fresh and your feeders are clean for best results and for the safety of the hummingbirds.  Our summer resident hummers are likely done nesting and youngsters are now coming to and beginning to understand feeders. 

Already we are probably seeing some hummingbirds that have been north of us this summer beginning to move through TN visiting feeders as well.

If you have given up on hummingbirds because you did not see any activity earlier in the summer it’s time to give your feeder a good cleaning and make some fresh nectar.  Please remember the nectar formula is one part sugar to 4 parts water and is only good in the feeder for up to 3 days.  This is the time that hummingbirds are most interested in your feeders and are packing on as much weight as possible before making their long journey back to Central and South America.

Obviously, we hear lots of customer feedback about hummingbirds.  It’s interesting to note that every year many of you will report either more or less hummingbirds.  Why the discrepancy from year to year?  It could be for several reasons.  More hummingbirds could be the result of a few successful breeding years in a row in your area.  Less could be from a few down years of nesting, or birds that would have been around your yard did not successfully make the long migration.  A lot can happen to birds, especially tiny hummers, in a journey that long which punctuates the miracle of migration and the fact that so many are successful. 

I am seeing fewer hummingbirds than usual for August and have recently realized why.   Where I have traditionally offered most of my feeders there are as many as four adult males guarding and fighting.  Typically, I would be seeing lots of juveniles and females feeding together but the males won’t allow.  Just this morning I witnessed one of these males relentlessly chasing a Titmouse that had landed to close to its favorite lookout spot.  Adult males usually migrate earlier than the others so I’m hoping a few of these feisty, selfish guys will depart allowing for more hummers to visit.

To learn more about Ruby-throated Hummingbirds visit the Warner Park Nature Center next Saturday the 27th for their annual Hummingbird Celebration.  There will be activities for kids with opportunities to learn more about these fascinating diminutive dynamos.   Warner Park staff will also be trapping and banding hummingbirds while explaining the valuable data they are collecting for research.  See hummingbirds up close.  Click here for more info on the event!

American Goldfinches in August and September

If you saw a sudden departure of Goldfinches last month it was probably because July is when they go to nest. It’s normal for some of you to experience this while some of you will see an influx of Goldfinches, perhaps because you are near prime nesting habitat that attracts many nesting pairs. That habitat tends to be more open and adjacent to weedy fields and meadows where there is a lot of nesting material and ample food. Goldfinches will build their nest high in shrubs or small tress overlooking open space as opposed to forest interior. It is a nest comprised of plant fiber and down, lashed together with spider silk, sometimes woven so tight the nest will hold water. It will measure about 3” across. This tight little nest can sometimes backfire should a heavy rain fall on newly hatched chicks.

Goldfinches will have 1-2 broods with 2-7 eggs per. The number of eggs is likely determined by the availability of food sources present. Because Goldfinches are exclusively seed eaters explains why they nest much later than other birds. Plants are going to seed when they begin nesting.

Juvenile American Goldfinch

Recently, I have been seeing young Goldfinches around my yard but not so much at my feeders. Pulling in my driveway at the end of the day where there is a big patch of Black-eyed Susan 10 to 20 Goldfinches will take flight. When plants like Black-eyed Susan, Coneflower, sunflower, and zinnias are available Goldfinches will show a preference for these more natural food sources. It is just in their DNA to gravitate to the “natural”.

Wood Thrush Notes

It’s mid-April, and you are outside soaking in one of the nicest days of the young year. You bend over to pick up a stick that was blown down in the previous night's thunderstorm, and as you stand back up there it is. The whirring buzz, the flash of iridescence, and the unmistakable chattering call that signifies the first hummingbird of the year. You race inside, mix up a gallon or two of nectar, put out all your feeders, and sit back and watch. And wait. And wait…

During May, June, and the first half of July the only thing we hear as often as “they are eating me out of house and home!” is “where are the hummingbirds?”. They are already here, however, they did not travel thousands of miles just to sip sugar water. The hummingbirds come all this way to breed and raise their young. While you may see a few birds hitting your feeder early on, these birds do not rely on our feeders, and may continue on as far north as Canada!

However, now is the time to start getting your feeders ready as we enter the middle of July. Make sure your nectar is fresh and your feeders are clean, and remember, in this heat the nectar will spoil in as few as two to three days. Aside from being unsanitary, the hummingbirds will not stop at a feeder if the nectar has gone rancid. August and September are invariably the busiest months of the year for hummingbird feeding due to northern birds migrating south, and the birds that nested here fattening up for their long migration back to Central America. So, if you have been wondering where your hummingbirds are, you aren’t alone, but fear not. You haven’t missed out. The best feeder activity is yet to come!

If you have driven down Belle Meade Blvd. this year, you may have noticed a number of bluebird boxes in the median area. The city of Belle Meade approached us about the possibility of installing the boxes to help bluebirds nest, and they have been a resounding success. To date, close to 40 juvenile bluebirds have left our boxes. This is an excellent case in point that the eastern bluebird is very adaptive and not necessarily up to date with the current literature about what they “require”. In addition to the Blvd. Boxes, we set up a box in the service alley behind the store and within a couple weeks, a nest with three eggs was inside. So far, in spite of the heat and the lackluster location, the juvenile birds are healthy and just a few days away from fledging. Though it is getting late in the season, there is still time to attract bluebirds as they will nest up to three times in a season, so make sure that your boxes are clean and ready to become a home!

While many of our most familiar backyard birds are near the end, or have already concluded, their breeding season, the American Goldfinch is just beginning. Many of you have already seen a reduction in goldfinch numbers at your feeders as they begin to move away from feeders toward nesting areas. Goldfinches typically nest in June and July when certain nest materials, and more of their food sources, become available.

The goldfinch’s main natural habitats are weedy fields and floodplains, where plants such as thistles and asters are common. So, if you live close to one of these types of areas you may continue to see good numbers of goldfinches at your feeders. If you live in a more forested area you will likely see far less goldfinches until they finish nesting. So, don’t be concerned that something has happened to “your” goldfinches or you’ve done something wrong. They are simply transitioning into their nesting phase and will return to feeders in due time.

Female Goldfinch gathering nest material

The male and female locate a suitable nest site together. Nests are often near water. At Hidden Lakes Park on McCrory Ln, which borders the Harpeth River, goldfinch nests are common to see.

The male may bring nest materials but the female builds the nest, usually in a shrub or sapling in a fairly open setting rather than in forest interior. The nest is often built high in a shrub, where two or three vertical branches join; usually shaded by clusters of leaves from above, but often open and visible from below.

The nest is an open cup of rootlets and plant fibers lined with plant down, woven so tightly that it can hold water. The female bonds the foundation to supporting branches using spider silk, and makes a downy lining often using the fluffy “pappus” material taken from the same types of seedheads that goldfinches feed on. It takes the female about 6 days to build the nest. The finished nest is about 3 inches across on the outside and 2-4.5 inches high.

The female incubates about 95% of the time and takes 10-12 days. The male brings food to the female while she incubates. The young leave the nest after 11-17 days. Both sexes tend to the young and are fed a regurgitated milky seed pulp. Insects are rarely part of their diet.

Goldfinches are monogamous per year but commonly change mates between years.