With spring officially here, and a flurry of pleasant days both behind and ahead of us in the forecast, the yearly spring-time questions have gone from a trickle to a daily deluge. Today, we are going to answer some of these questions, and also give you some fun updates from the store!
When are the hummingbirds arriving?
The first and most frequently asked question is by far “When are the hummingbirds getting here?” This is an easy question to answer. Each year, almost like clock-work, hummingbirds will begin to be seen by folks in our area within a few days either side of the first of April. However, just because you are out in your yard picking up sticks after our ceaseless wind and you hear that unmistakable buzzing of your first hummer of the season, don’t go hustling to get all your feeders filled and put out just yet! While yes, hummingbirds begin to be seen around the first of April, they did not fly thousands of miles for sugar water. They are here to breed and raise young. Also, early in the season, it’s entirely possible that that first hummingbird you encountered is going to continue north, maybe even as far as southern Canada!
Where are my grosbeaks?
For those of you who do want to put out a feeder, we recommend only presenting one. There simply is not enough activity this early in the season to warrant putting out and filling multiple feeders; most of the nectar will go to waste. Remember, for those of you making your nectar at home (our recommended method) the correct ratio is four parts water to one part sugar. This most closely simulates the nectar found in flowers. Do NOT try to make it extra sweet for them, and please, again for emphasis, please, only use plain white table sugar. Never, under any circumstances, should you use brown sugar, raw sugar, or honey. We will cover all this and more soon when we have a hummingbird dedicated post!
Another common question we get during these early warm days is “When do the grosbeaks get here?” The Rose-breasted Grosbeak is a long distance migrant that will winter in Central and northern South America before passing through Tennessee anywhere between mid-April and mid-May on the way to their northern breeding grounds. Fortunately, they are easy birds to attract and can become an almost common sight at our seed feeders during this time. Sunflower seed in and out of the shell, safflower, and our Woodland Blend are all popular with these seed-eaters! While the males are unmistakable with their striking black and white bodies and red throats, females can cause some confusion. If you see something that looks like an oversized House Finch, chances are that you have a female Rose-breasted Grosbeak!
Store Updates!
To round things out, we’d like to share a few updates about the store. We have expanded our fountain offerings, and now have 8 different fountains in stock ranging from small table top models, a waterfall, and a 4+ foot tall cast stone pedestal model! For those of you who enjoy house plants, or rooting plants, we now have some offerings for you! We now have Couronne’s full line of rooting vases, so now you can grow your plants in a much more visually appealing way than putting them in a disused cup or bowl. Last, but not least, we are excited to share that our door mats are finally back in stock and we are well supplied with all your spring and summer favorites! We’ve made new changes as well, including new displays and fresh paint, so if you haven’t stopped by in the last few months, there is no time like the present. We hope to see you soon, and happy spring!