anna's hummingbird

Wood Thrush Notes

Reminder: Important Store Hours Update

We are closing for a couple of days. On Saturday, October 15 we will close at 2 pm and re-open Wednesday, October 19.

Hummingbirds and other Migrant

A few weeks ago we mentioned BirdCast, a project by Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Colorado State University, and UMass Amherst, to track bird migration using radar. Click here to visit

Mid-October is peak time for songbird migration through middle TN as neo-tropical migrants’ are going back to Central and South America. BirdCast estimates that while you were sleeping 3,675,600 birds crossed Davidson County last night. Yes, that’s 3 million from just after sunset until Friday morning just before 7 am. The high traffic count of birds in flight was 570,000. Across the country billions of birds migrate at night in spring and fall. City lights are a very real threat to bird migration as they are attracted to the lights and collide with windows. Bird Safe Nashville has begun a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of city lights and to encourage businesses and homeowners to turn off exterior lighting during peak times of migration. For more information visit

Ruby-throated hummingbirds are still being seen in small numbers. Even though you may not have seen any for a few weeks we suggest keeping a feeder up with small amounts of fresh nectar. My late date to observe a Ruby-throated hummingbird in my yard in Cheatham Co. is October 25. There is also a chance you may see a different species of hummer appear at your feeder. Practically every year we have a customer or two that gets a western U.S. hummer, like a Rufous or Anna’s at a feeder they have left out into the months of November and December. Maybe this year it will be you.

Have a great weekend and wherever you go bring your binoculars.

Fall Slowdown and Fall Hummers

Fall Slowdown

Many of you have already noticed a slow down at your feeders. Sometimes it can be abrupt and dramatic. You may even notice some species become practically non-existent. Bird feeders in September and October are typically very quiet. This is surprising to some but actually normal and understandable. With the conclusion of the breeding season birds are now in less need of the quick, easy food source at your feeders. While raising their young during the months of March through July birds expend tremendous amounts of energy raising young and will take great advantage of backyard feeders. We sell more seed and suet during those months than we do in winter.

Young birds are mostly independent now and the lives of adult birds are at a much more leisurely pace. In addition nature is producing an abundance of food at this time. Not only are insects still plentiful but every tree, shrub, weed, and wildflower are producing seeds, nuts, and fruit. There is literally food for birds everywhere. It is a great example of the fact that birds do not rely on our feeders but simply take advantage of them in times of more demand for food. So, don’t worry that you are not seeing many birds around the feeders right now. It is totally normal. About the time we get the first frost or two, you will begin to see a return of your favorite birds to feeders. I don’t know about you but a good frost sounds good right about now.

By the time October arrives you will begin to see a few of our winter visitors, like Junco’s, White-throated sparrows, Yellow-bellied sapsuckers, Kinglets, and hopefully, Purple Finch, Pine Siskin, and Red-breasted Nuthatch. Although, with the Pine siskin issues (salmonella) we had last winter I would prefer they not visit us this winter.

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds will continue to be present through October though their numbers will be fewer with each week that passes. The peak of hummer feeding activity has likely passed so I reduce the numbers of feeders I offer by a few. As mid-October arrives I will continue to offer at least two feeders. And because there is always a remote possibility of a western hummingbird showing up I will leave one feeder out beyond Thanksgiving.

Rare Mexican Violetear

Rare Mexican Violetear

Each year a few people around the mid-state are pleasantly surprised to discover a hummingbird investigating a feeder that may have been inadvertently left out with no nectar. Two customers within 3 miles of The Wood Thrush Shop experienced Rufous hummingbirds last fall. Western hummingbirds that have regularly been seen in TN include Rufous, Anna’s, and Black-chinned. Last year a Mexican Violetear was trapped and banded in Montgomery Co. For more information about wintering hummingbirds you may want to visit