Wood Thrush Notes

Hummingbirds on the Move

As we all know the reason hummingbirds feed so heavily now is because they are preparing for the long journey back to Central and South America.  They will nearly double their weight during this time and store energy in the form of fat which is held in a series of pockets under the skin in the belly and throat area.  When a bander holds a hummingbird and blows back the feathers you can actually see these little pockets in varying degrees of fullness.  Keep your feeders going with clean fresh nectar as it is very important to them in the coming weeks.  In middle TN we will continue to see Ruby-throated hummingbirds well into October even though their numbers will be fewer with each week that passes.

This Saturday, the Warner Park Nature Center will be hosting their annual Hummingbird Celebration from 9AM-2PM. There will be hummingbird banding, venders, and our own Eli Haislip will be manning the Wood Thrush Shop’s booth, well stocked with hummingbird feeders and accessories! If you want an up close look at these tiny birds, or just want to come hang out and observe their aerial antics, the Nature Center this Saturday is the place to be.

Warbler migration is very busy right now, too.   With cooler temps coming we should see lots of warbler activity as they move through on their southward journey.  Keep an eye on the birdbaths and water sources in your yard especially in the morning hours.  With such dry conditions water will be of utmost importance.  Warblers seen this week at Edwin Warner Park include;   Yellow-throated Vireo, Blue-gray gnatcatcher, Golden-winged Warbler, Blue-winged Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Prothonotary Warbler, Tennessee Warbler, Nashville Warbler, American Redstart, Northern Parula, Magnolia Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Yellow-throated Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Swainson's Thrush.                

Keep your binoculars close because without them you aren’t birdwatching. 

Lastly, as summer draws to a close, a number of our outdoor gift items will be 25% off starting Saturday, September 7th. These items include our large mason bee houses, Cardinal and Bluebird weather vanes, hummingbird solar mobiles, red Parasol hummingbird feeders, and more!