With hummingbirds continuing to pass through the mid-state into October, there is still time to attract and enjoy Ruby-throated hummingbirds. However, with that being said, we can confidently say that peak activity is behind us. With that in mind, ALL Hummingbird Feeders and Accessories will be on Sale 25% OFF starting this Saturday, September 21st through Wednesday, September 25th.
There is a common misconception that you should never leave a hummingbird feeder out late in the season because it will discourage the hummingbirds from migrating. We can assure you this is not the case. A few ounces of sugar and water will not overcome thousands of years of instinct. Not only is it fine to leave your hummingbird feeder out late, it also opens you up to the exciting possibility of attracting a western species, like the Rufous, Black chinned, or Anna’s hummingbirds to name a few! The chances are extremely slim, but almost every year there are a few reports of western hummingbirds, usually the Rufous hummingbird. This photo of a Rufous was taken at a customer’s home right here in Bellevue in December of 2020.
Rufous hummingbird feeding on Bird’s Choice 12oz Hummerfest feeder, December 2020, Nashville, TN.